So I spent a great time away fishing on the farm in Dullstroom last weekend. As you do, when you not landing any fish, you get to let your mind wander about the happenings in your life, and with a good dose of fresh mountain air, start to let things fall back into perspective. This lead me to think about the season of giving, and my distaste for purchasing gifts out of obligation, and the contrived misrepresentation that Christmas has become for a lot of people.
I concede that I am generalising, but we spend much of our days worrying. About a range of things, but mostly, about what we dont have. I spent the fishing trip with my close friend, who had an accident a few years ago, and had the misfortune of losing his ability to walk. Seeing this extreme contrast of the spectrum of things I worry about, against those that your everyday man takes for granted, and he so dearly wishes for, really helped bring the picture into focus. His determination just to want to walk again was a moving experience second to none.
My point is this. Lets all take some time this Christmas to think about all that we do have. All of the opportunities we have been afforded. The friends and family that care for us. The lifestyles and luxuries that others shall never experience. And think about if it’s worth getting our tits in a tangle about what we didnt get this year, what we cant afford, or what small thing we might dwell on.
I wish you all a most festive Christmas season and great 2009!