The three apples that changed our world
Three iconic apples have profoundly shaped human behaviour over the centuries. It began with Eve’s fateful bite, symbolising our innate temptation for social status. Then came Newton’s apple, revealing the gravitational forces that exist between objects and people. Finally, there was Steve Jobs’ Apple, putting a powerful handheld window to the world in our palms…

The delicate dance between Exploit and Explore
In the industrious world of honeybees, there’s a fascinating dynamic at play – a delicate dance between exploiting known sources of nectar and venturing into the great unknown in search of new riches. It’s a dance that businesses must master if they wish to not just survive, but truly thrive in today’s ever-shifting commercial landscape….

Artificial Intelligence through the eyes of a six-year-old
As I watched my six-year-old daughter scribbling away, effortlessly transitioning from coloring within the lines to sketching her favorite things – her cat, rainbows, and flowers – I got that warm, fuzzy, parent feeling appreciating the potential of her imagination. Her creations, inspired by the whimsical world of flying unicorns, superheroes, and fairy tales, know…

What is a recommender engine?
Imagine I told you that I could predict with 100% accuracy what one of your next three items you bought on Amazon would be, and the next seven out of 10 series you’d watch on Netflix. You’d get a little concerned, but these are already the base stats that Amazon and Netflix know about you….

Repetition maketh a man
Replicate your Yesterday and Day-Before-That out over a few hundred days. That’s a year or two. Is what you’re doing today going to get you from Where-You-Are to Where-You-Want-To-Be? Have you invested sufficiently into the relationships you have with the people you care for? Did the people you engaged with form part of your future…

Influencing People on Their Mobile Devices
This is a summary of an article I compiled, together with an infographic, on the growth in ability to influence people at a point of purchase decision, while on their mobile device. In an effort to convert audiences to customers, brands are beginning to hold mobile-native approaches as a standard requirement in their marketing efforts….

Stock Picks – 2017
During the festive season, I review my year and how I chose to allocate my time, effort and capital, and then decide what to change in the coming year. For the first time in a long time, a forward looking view of what I think might happen in the markets over the coming year, is…

Work hard, dream big
I was recently interviewed for an article in an airline inflight magazine. Here’s the copy of the article which focusses on the trip that I went on to Silicon Valley. Murray is an entrepreneurial and commercial thinker with a track record of growing innovative technology businesses. Murray holds a Ph.D in biomedical engineering and has…

You don’t know what you don’t know
Every day I’m reminded of the stark reality of how much I don’t know. I make it my mission in life to try and understand how things work, why they do what they do, but keep coming up short. It’s fortunate that I enjoy learning, so my lack of knowledge is satiated when I learn….