RMB Class Of
How to make a million bucks in South Africa
Having worked for the last three years alongside some of the smartest and wealthiest people in the country through my time on the RMB Class Of programme, I’ve come to realise that it’s rather easy to become wealthy. It takes just two simple ingredients – patience and discipline. There’s no need to think up the…
Adrian Gore – The attributes of success
I attended a talk given by Adrian Gore, Discovery Holdings CEO and founder, held at GIBS this last week. His talk focused on the commonalities of the attributes he feels are constituents of success. His measure of “success” doesn’t purely focus on the amassing of wealth for an individual, but can be applied to a…
Imagine listing yourself on the stock exchange
“How much would you list yourself on the stock exchange for?” is a typical question that comes up in RMB Class Of interviews. The thinking behind this that has been put forward by candidates is quite interesting. And it begs the question – do we look at ourselves as our own investments? For those a…